Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Our nation is filled with cowards who run away in defeat.
They in fear of the conflict and cost abandon the victims.
Though their eyes see the crimes, the denials will they repeat.
In this Land of Liberty , it is The Truth that is the real victim.

What if World War II was being fought today instead of Iraq?
No doubt these same ones would even more protest the war.
They would call for an investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack.
That one over seas compared to this one in deaths was much more.

Would they say just like today it is one that we could not win?
Freedom in our own nation’s history has never come cheap .
It took the very lives of over a million of brave women and men.
They had given their ultimate price that we from bondage would keep.

Ole Charlie says bring back the draft because he is a Democratic jerk. This moron has been promoted in Congress because of apathetic voters. For the downfall of the economy and our nation’s security, he will work. Hey you Republicans, this is your fault for not bring out our voters.

When the taxes raise and the economy becomes weak, look in the mirror. When liberal judges replace conservative ones, will you complain? Will the mistakes that you made concerning this past election be clearer? Republicans, it is time right now to work so that in 08 the losses we regain.


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